Medicine Wheel

Shamanic Initiations

4 Month Program

You will learn:

➥ Be Initiated as a Mesa carrier
➥ Learn to retrieve soul pieces
➥ Learn to initiate sacred ceremonies 
➥ How to work with the 4 elements
➥ How to step into your power as a healer & BECOME A MASTER OF ENERGY
➥ Receive 13 initiations or rites
➥ Learn practical tools to identify and transform emotional wounds & traumas 

➥ Activate your rainbow body
➥ Know the direct lineages that your teachings come from
➥ Be initiated as a carrier of the Q’ero lineage
➥ Call in the directions
➥ Learn how to create despachos

➥ Learn to journey and work "in-between" multidimensional worlds seamlessly
➥ Work with your luminous energy field (light body) for clearing, balance and protection 
➥ Connect with the lineage in Peru and have the opportunity to travel for deeper learning

🪶 Walk through initiations of the medicine wheel and the four directions and become a mesa carrier.

 🪶 Receive several Karpay's & 13 Munay-ki rites-energetic transmissions, like the Healer's rite, seer's rite, earth keeper rite, womb rite

➥ Utilize animal totems, plants and crystals allies to heal and support you in everyday life 

Taught by Rebecca Keating & Jacqui Chunha

4 parts course scheduled on:

1. SOUTH: APRIL 12 & 13

2. WEST: MAY 10 & 11

3. NORTH: JUNE 14 & 15

4. EAST: JULY 5 & 6 

Energy Exchange:

Pay in Full : $1444

Pay in 4 Instalments of $388

To register email: ceremony@shamansisters,com

Returning Student: $800

If you want to change something in your life